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ukraina foorum : Vaba teema : Vajatakse 3-4 usakat Ämarisse 02.08  
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Vajatakse 3-4 usakat Ämarisse 02.08
Edastan ühe palve, otsitakse kuni 4 usakat, hea oleks kui autod oleks 50-60-70`ndatest. Palun võtke asjaosalisega otse meilitsi ühendust

I am a Soldier with NATO Forces based at Amari Airforce Command with the UK EAW 121.

We have a 10k plus an American themed BBQ with an American guitarist to perform from 19:00-22:00 2 August 2019.

I am looking for a few American vintage cars to be on display for a few hours to add to the atmosphere. I can offer €25 for fuel and a complimentary meal and drinks.

If you can organise 2-4 cars of various types that would be grand. If you can do this, please provide the name of the guests, owner, address and vehicle description and tag number.

I will need the names of participants, car registration and model/make plus addresses and DOB for security.

Thank you

Michael Freshour

American Beauty Car Show
29.07.2019 at 10:07 foorum : Vaba teema : Vajatakse 3-4 usakat Ämarisse 02.08  
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