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ukraina foorum : Autod : What's happening  
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What's happening
Got a digi camera in our garage last saturday and got some shots taken & thought I would post them here. So here is how it looked last saturday evening, still got a couple of things to do...

13.05.2003 at 08:54
What's happening
You are talking about Jussi's car ? Whats done with it ?
Your car does look like "million things to do".:)
13.05.2003 at 09:01
What's happening
Jussi sold the old upstairs of his engine, the short block was gone through , there is now more CR, a bigger cam and new heads, intake, carb and headers. The front suspension was redone because the handling last year was pretty odd. And there is also a shorter gear ratio. There is still some paint work nad smaller things to do, a new hood and another scoop has been installed and propably some minor graphic added to alter the looks.

I've got a pretty tight schedule with the "löijy", it should be ready within one month. The engine is still in parts, so is the rear axle. All welding except the front bars of the cage is now done. Paint & new suspension parts are next. The car should be on it's own wheels & axles waiting for assembly within two weeks and after it's assembled the exterior will be painted. The goal is to get it ready for V8/GTI day in Alastaro on 15.6. We'll see....
13.05.2003 at 09:33
What's happening
Looks proffessional:), what he is looking for ? Low 10's high 9's ?

In your case I don't dare to guess, but probably you are not building slower car than Dart was ?;)
13.05.2003 at 09:46
What's happening
Jussis car run a best of 10.15 last summer, and I think he's now got estimated 150-200 hp more power. It should in theory have potential for low 9's, but I believe the drivetrain and suspension is not quite ready for the task. At least they will be on their very limit, and will need some finetuning before reaching its full potential. Jussis wife just got hteir first daughter, so he will be building & driving on a pretty limited program this summer.

As far as the löijy goes, it will not be as quick as the dart was. The engine, trans and rear axle will be the ones from the Dart, except that there is a milder cam, longer primary headers, bigger 10" converter and 3.23 gears in the rear. the suspension and chassis will be built towards handling a little, there will be tube control arms, polyurethane bushings, quick steering ratio, sway bars front & rear etc. I think I'll loose 50 hp with the smaller cam, but I've got a "cheater" kit inthe garage to gain that back and then some :) Should have a decent top end with that ratio too. My goal is to run 10's on regular 215/70/15 tires, but it's a pretty tough one.

13.05.2003 at 10:00
What's happening
Sounds like the season will be tough for all :)

Save The Wave (vette 91 )
13.05.2003 at 12:04
What's happening
Jyrki, Jussi`s headers are self-made or aftermarket parts? And please, headers ~price. It`s one and only possible way to think fututure ...
13.05.2003 at 12:12 Last edited 13.05.2003 at 12:13 by PlyVal64
What's happening
400cid ikka ei anna rahu mis? :)
13.05.2003 at 12:15
What's happening
gets: 400cid ikka ei anna rahu mis? :)
Ei anna jah. Sinna BB-projekt toppama ju jäi, polnud veel tekkinud, inffi polnud. Nüüdseks Ply tehnika poolelt minu jaoks ennast ammendanud ja roosteuss jälle kord oma töö teinud. Võtsin vastu otsuse, et selleks suveks enam mõtetult raha temasse panema ei hakka, et roostese pühademunaga hädiselt liikuda. Vaja ju kogu veermik remoda, siis targem juba uus tagasild vaadata, esisild korralikult taastada ja see lanzheroonide lõikumine ikkagi ette võtta. Enamust kerest pole vaja pärast värvida, saab veidi kokkuhoidu ... ja loodetavalt rohkem sõidurõõmu. Ning kõige vähem on mõtet Plyd müüa ja ega ei taha ju kah:)
13.05.2003 at 12:28
What's happening
The headers are self made. Bought 12 mandrel U-turns from tampere swap for 80€ (~1200 EEK; time for you to learn them too!) . Then I made the flanges out of 8mm thick steel flat. Next figured the routing with proper length paper hose, then started cutting & welding of the tubes trying to duplicate it. The collectors were made out of sheetmetal, each out of four parts welded together to get them smooth and attached to a 3.5" turn that goes under the car. Took one weekend to build them and they are painted with zink spray that amazingly can stand the heat.
13.05.2003 at 12:33
What's happening
jyrki: ... and they are painted with zink spray that amazingly can stand the heat.
tip of the week :)

13.05.2003 at 12:52
What's happening
Hea suhtumine asjasse , Ply ! :)
Teha Võib Kõike , nagu ma pidevalt aru saan .
Sa kindlasti lugesid seda Boss 429 Cougar ... See ma arvan meie oludes suur töö aga tehtav :)

Save The Wave (vette 91 )
13.05.2003 at 18:47
What's happening
Töö käib 2 Valiant'i kallal, mõlemad Raadil käinud.

Esimene on eelmine aasta nähtud Jussi punane '69. Eelmine aasta olid sel kerged probleemid klapiajamiga, nii et sõitis kõigest 10'neid. :)

See aasta on asi tiba karmim, B1 kaaned, 11.6 surveaste, radikaalne nukk jne. 750 hj peaks raudselt olema, aga mind ei üllataks ka 800+. Tavabensiini kohta päris hea...

Video Raadilt

Teine auto on (pildil sini-hall) '73 neljaukseline Valiant. Oli siin 2001 suvel.

See on plaanis teha niisama sõitmiseks. Seetõttu on ka kurvivõtmise peale mõeldud ning 3.23 ülekandega saab 270+ km/h kätte enne kui piirajasse jookseb.

Lisaks on ka 528 cid/8.6 liitrist täisalumiiniumist mootorit rahustatud väiksema nukkvõlliga. Aga eks mingi 700 hj ikka on. :) Kui sellest aga napiks jääb siis 150 hj nitrolaks varuks. Pole vist eriti paha 4-ukselise pereauto kohta.

Eesmärgiks on 215 tavarehvidega 10'neid sõita. Võimsusest piisab ka lõpujoonel nende suitsetamiseks...
15.05.2003 at 17:18 Last edited 15.05.2003 at 17:19 by partel
What's happening
Nu seda ma sain aru ... aga what's happened with Dart ? Inevitable end ? Good thing it still serves some , even as parts ...
ja 850 hp pole ÜLDSE paha pereauto kohta :):)
Mulle hakkavad meeldima neid "pereautod ":)

Save The Wave (vette 91 )
15.05.2003 at 23:47
What's happening
Quote :
ei üllataks ka 800+. Tavabensiini kohta päris hea...

ou yes ! päris hea tavabensiini kohta ... Nad ei taha proovida midagi kõrgema oktaanarvuga ?:)

Save The Wave (vette 91 )
15.05.2003 at 23:52
What's happening
Dart (kere) läks müüki, mootor + kast lähevad Valiantti.

Mootor oli nii momendirikas, et ükski turbiin vastu ei pidanud, parimaks ajaks jäi 9.69/227 km/h, aga mootori poolelt oli vähemalt 9.4 jaoks potentsiaali.

15.05.2003 at 23:59
What's happening
forced2race: Quote :
ou yes ! päris hea tavabensiini kohta ... Nad ei taha proovida midagi kõrgema oktaanarvuga ?:)
Tänavaautod sõidavad tavabensiiniga...
16.05.2003 at 00:00
What's happening
And , Jyrki, headers are really good ... Nice quality , seams not seen really , nice !
My friend did that too for his car ... Maybe a tip too, he took a bigger diameter pipe for collector and bent that using a round piece of metal with 4 square cutouts from the outer diameter and a hammer . Less welding :)

Save The Wave (vette 91 )
16.05.2003 at 00:06
What's happening
forced2race: Quote :
ou yes ! päris hea tavabensiini kohta ... Nad ei taha proovida midagi kõrgema oktaanarvuga ?:)
Tänavaautod sõidavad tavabensiiniga...

Noh seda jah ka ... aga ... ma lihtsalt mõtlesin ...
Sa ka ei maga ? :)
Ükski turbiin ei pidanud vastu ? Mis nendega juhtus siis ?

Save The Wave (vette 91 )
16.05.2003 at 00:11
What's happening
forced2race: Ükski turbiin ei pidanud vastu ? Mis nendega juhtus siis ?

Libisesid läbi lihtsalt. Algul oli nii, et stardist finishini oli 7000 pööret, aga suurim võimsus oli juba 6600 pöörde peal.

Kui mina Raadil sõitsin eelmine suvi, siis stardis gaasi andes hüppasid pöörded 6300 kanti, aga piiraja oli 7000 peal, nii et kogu sõit käis 6300-7000 ehk 700 pöörde vahemikus. :)
16.05.2003 at 00:27
What's happening
Dartil oli turbiin ?
Aga palju sul seal käike oli , 4 ?
Tagant järgi mõeldes , mäletades kuubaturi ja ainlt 400 meetrit ju , kas mahtusid ka nende 700 pöördesse ühe käiguga või iikka kahega ?:)

Save The Wave (vette 91 )
16.05.2003 at 00:30 Last edited 16.05.2003 at 00:35 by forced2race
What's happening
forced2race: Dartil oli turbiin ?
Aga palju sul seal käike oli , 4 ?
Tagant järgi mõeldes , mäletades kuubaturi ja ainlt 400 meetrit ju , kas mahtusid ka nende 700 pöördesse ühe käiguga või iikka kahega ?:)
Turbiin = automaatkasti hüdrotrafo.

Käike oli 3 - Esimene kuni umbes 90 km/h, teine u. 160 km/h
16.05.2003 at 00:39
What's happening
Konvertor ! ja ja ... Hydroturbiin .. Sorry , valesti aru sain .:)

Save The Wave (vette 91 )
16.05.2003 at 00:45 foorum : Autod : What's happening  
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