Ei puutu küll otseselt Ameerika autode valdkonda, ega pole seotud ka konkreetselt kiirendusvõistlustega, kuid tehnikaspordis suure algustähega Meister oli ta omal alal 100 %.
Igatahes meele teeb mustaks küll, et täies elujõus inimesed taoliste õnnetuste läbi siit ilmast lahkuma peavad.
16.09.2007 at 02:58
1 edit. Last edited 16.09.2007 at 03:04 by Stealth
Colin: "Just before the start on Saturday, Travis and I were discussing what we could do to make it a bit more exciting. One suggestion was 'screw the medals, start together and race each other to the flag'. There was a few other options that would clearly have resulted in exclusion. My main concern was what the crowds' reaction would be if I managed beat their hero! Two minutes later that was no longer to be an issue, I entered the stadium in the lead, one jump and two turns between me and the gold medal, however throughout my career I have always managed to produce results in a fairly unique manner and, as you will all know by now, this was to be no exception. I rate it as the fastest roll in history (aroud 1.5 seconds I reckon). I was selecting first gear as the car was in mid roll,perhaps you could call it 'rally car freestyle' - a very expensive discipline if it were to continue. I made it to the finish collecting the silver medal and a massive cheer from the fans. If the idea was to capture the imagination of the fans and raise the profile of rallying in theU.S.it couldn’t have panned out any better than it did."
16.09.2007 at 17:27
1 edit. Last edited 16.09.2007 at 17:28 by rustang (Moderator)
In Memoriam- Colin McRaeDavid Richardsil läks õnneks vaid päev hiljem! Mis küll nendel Briti saarte rallimeestel ja ralliga seotud tegelastel selle karmaga on?
R.I.P., Colin "McCrash" McRae, õnne sünnipäevaks, David!
Edit: kõiki neid seob üks asi: Subaru!
17.09.2007 at 19:48
1 edit. Last edited 17.09.2007 at 19:49 by PlyVal64