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ukraina foorum : Autod : Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a  
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Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
... plaanis soetada selline liikur igapäevaseks kasutamiseks ja rahulikumaks kruisimiseks- kas kiidate heaks ja kas on midagi spetsiifilist, millele peaksin kindlasti tähelepanu pöörama? Amatöörist ameerika autode fänni pilgu läbi veermik tundub ok olevat, alt kuiv, käiguvahetus sujuv....
23.08.2009 at 00:24
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
23.08.2009 at 07:37
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
house: ... plaanis soetada selline liikur igapäevaseks kasutamiseks ja rahulikumaks kruisimiseks- kas kiidate heaks ja kas on midagi spetsiifilist, millele peaksin kindlasti tähelepanu pöörama? Amatöörist ameerika autode fänni pilgu läbi veermik tundub ok olevat, alt kuiv, käiguvahetus sujuv....

'93 ja '94 on tegelikult täiesti erinevad autod, ainult väljast on nad samad. Ja kast on '93 TH700 e. 4L60 ning '94 juba 4L60E.

'05 Chevrolet SSR & '03 Cadillac Escalade EXT
23.08.2009 at 09:20
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
...tänud- siis tõenäoliselt 93 a toode 94 a reg-ga. Nokitsen Google`ist, et endale veidi selgemaks teha modifikatsioonide erisused.
23.08.2009 at 11:10
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
Kui sa seda autot mõtled siis, sellel on jah passis 93 aga tegelikult on ta 94.

'05 Chevrolet SSR & '03 Cadillac Escalade EXT
23.08.2009 at 11:16
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
...ei, seda mitte. Mind erutav auto asub Pärnus (kuldne).
23.08.2009 at 11:22
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
See on ka puhas 94.

'05 Chevrolet SSR & '03 Cadillac Escalade EXT
23.08.2009 at 11:25
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
93 vs 94 kõige suurem muutus oligi mootori erinevus.

Year-to-year changes
1992: A 4-door sedan joined the Roadmaster wagon as an early 1992 model, carrying the 5.7 L TBI (Throttle-Body Injection) V8 engine that developed 180 hp. That engine also went into the Estate Wagon, replacing the 5.0 L.
1993: Window lockout feature and the addition of a new spoke wheel cover mid-year.
1994: A redesigned dashboard included a new instrument cluster, with climate controls mounted higher and a knee bolster below. Dual airbags were also installed. The 5.7L TBI is replaced with a detuned 5.7L LT1 engine from the Chevrolet Corvette. This LT1 had cast iron cylinder heads and produced 260 hp (194 kW) (40 less horsepower than the Corvette). A new electronically-controlled 4L60-E 4-speed automatic transmission replaces the 4L60.
1995: Only a handful of minor changes were made to 1995 models, including long-life automatic-transmission fluid. Larger, foldaway style mirrors were installed as well, and radios received bigger controls. Sedans wore new bodyside moldings, while Estate wagons added a shade for the "Vista Roof" as well as a cargo cover. Heated seats also became an option.
1996: Final year. Engine coolant could last 5 years or 100,000 miles (160,934 km), and automatic climate control became standard. General Motors also updated the onboard diagnostic system (OBD I to OBD II). The Roadmaster Estate Wagon and the Chevrolet Caprice wagon would be the last American full-size station wagons until the introduction of the Dodge Magnum in 2005.
23.08.2009 at 11:29 1 edit. Last edited 23.08.2009 at 11:29 by ammi
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
OK. Usun, et sellest saaks vääriline täiendus olemasolevale- ise toimetan praegu Tahoe`ga 5,7 AWD reg 2000 a. (vana kere) ja proual Chr Concorde 2,7 97 a. Viimane küll jääb veidi lahjaks minu pilgu läbi ja veermikuga pidevalt probleeme, aga naisterahvale tore auto. Plaanin viimase küll välja vahetada lähitulevikus, nt Riviera 3,8 Superch. või ka Cadillac vanem variant 80ndatest- mõlemad on varem olnud ja mälestused vhead.
23.08.2009 at 11:42
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
ammi: 93 vs 94 kõige suurem muutus oligi mootori erinevus.

Year-to-year changes
1992: A 4-door sedan joined the Roadmaster wagon as an early 1992 model, carrying the 5.7 L TBI (Throttle-Body Injection) V8 engine that developed 180 hp. That engine also went into the Estate Wagon, replacing the 5.0 L.
1993: Window lockout feature and the addition of a new spoke wheel cover mid-year.
1994: A redesigned dashboard included a new instrument cluster, with climate controls mounted higher and a knee bolster below. Dual airbags were also installed. The 5.7L TBI is replaced with a detuned 5.7L LT1 engine from the Chevrolet Corvette. This LT1 had cast iron cylinder heads and produced 260 hp (194 kW) (40 less horsepower than the Corvette). A new electronically-controlled 4L60-E 4-speed automatic transmission replaces the 4L60.
1995: Only a handful of minor changes were made to 1995 models, including long-life automatic-transmission fluid. Larger, foldaway style mirrors were installed as well, and radios received bigger controls. Sedans wore new bodyside moldings, while Estate wagons added a shade for the "Vista Roof" as well as a cargo cover. Heated seats also became an option.
1996: Final year. Engine coolant could last 5 years or 100,000 miles (160,934 km), and automatic climate control became standard. General Motors also updated the onboard diagnostic system (OBD I to OBD II). The Roadmaster Estate Wagon and the Chevrolet Caprice wagon would be the last American full-size station wagons until the introduction of the Dodge Magnum in 2005.

Mootor ja kast jah põhiline aga ka sisus on suured muutused ja kui peensustesse laskuda siis on erinevused päris suured.

'05 Chevrolet SSR & '03 Cadillac Escalade EXT
23.08.2009 at 11:55
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
Küsimus asjatundjatele- kas need muudatused kastis/mootoris 93 vs 94 on tulnud kasuks või pigem kahjuks? Pean silmas töökindlust ja kestvust...
23.08.2009 at 16:07
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
nii 350TBI (´93) kui ka LT1 on head mootorid. Sama kastide kohta - uuemal juba juhtimine ajust, vanal mitte.
Kui veidigi hoolitseda auto eest, sõidad kaua ja kiidad. Jupid ka poolmuidu ja ei kulu palju.
Samal põhjal on ka ´93...´96 Cadillac Fleetwood, Chevy Caprice ja Impala.

Siin road testid jm. artiklid nende kõigi kohta
23.08.2009 at 16:52
Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a
Tänud kasuliku infi eest!
23.08.2009 at 18:36 foorum : Autod : Buick Roadmaster STW 5,7/ TH 700/ 93-94 a  
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