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C6 info
Väääga huvitav, eriti see mis boldis...

For over two years the world has been hearing little tidbits about the next generation Corvette from the automotive press and in magazines. Some facts have been right, some way out in left field. The editors here at and have taken the last 6 months to dive headfirst into the onslaught of info, to dig out what’s right, and what’s wrong. We must tell though, that even we are not 100% of the “facts” presented in the following article. We’ve taken great pains to only publish accurate information, at the same time as keeping our sources as protected as we can. After all, security on C6 is the highest of any GM project ever, with any access well behind 3 or even 4 locked and guarded doors. But, some info has gotten out, and here it is.


Remember when Motor Trend came out with its first “C6 Scoop!”? The angular lines and exposed headlights in their renderings were surprisingly correct to the current styling models that were being worked on at General Motors at the time. But then something happened. Were not quite sure what sparked it, but the whole design was scrapped. “Too bland” was used to describe the models, so C6 went back to the drawing boards. In fact, the 2003 Viper had a little do to with it also. The MT drawings suggested very large and angular side vents on the C6, almost exactly like the ones on the 03 Viper. Now, C6 had them drawn first, but Viper was going to make it to production first. GM stylists didn’t want to be viewed as “copycats”.

Another feature shown was exposed headlights. What, exposed headlights on a Corvette? How could this be? Well, this part that MT got right, still applies. C6 is due to be the first Corvette in over 3 generations to have non-popup headlamps. But, don’t get to down yet. These new lamps will be either HID or Xeon lamps, with much greater visibility than ever before. Look for a little late C1 styling influence to creep its way into the reflector design.

In other areas, look for a more muscular design to grace the exterior. We’ve heard it described as an “Exaggerated C5”. Look for shorter overhangs front and rear that contribute to an overall shorter length, while the wheel base grows approximately 3-4 inches to accommodate the new 5-speed automatic (more on that later).

The side vents have also been described to us as C5R’ish looking, wider and larger than on the current C5. The rear will get a smaller treatment, and the familiar duel tail lamps will remain, but somewhat combined under one larger covering or indentation for each side. Look for larger bulges over the front wheels, as well as more pronounced C3 like humps over the rear wheels. We’ve also heard that C3 style door handles could be a possibility (which is backed up by the placement of the door handles on the XPR).

Chassis and Power:

So, the C6 is just a C5 re-skin, right? Wrong. Numerous chassis improvements are on the way. The most significant is the move to an all aluminum frame to reduce weight and improve structural strength. Aluminum? Isn’t the XLR’s steel frame based off the C6 frame? Well, yes it is based off it, but no, it’s not steel. GM’s keeping hush-hush about the fact that the XLR’s frame is really aluminum until close to production. This way they can throw off the public about any links to the C6. Another improvement is the refinement of the hydro-forming process. Hydro-forming is the process in which steel is blown up, almost like a balloon, with water, to expand into a preset mold. This stresses the metal very little, for a very strong frame. The only problem up until now is that hydro-forming creates a uniform thickness across the whole piece of metal. GM has discovered a new way of hydro-forming for the C6 that will allow metal thickness to be controlled over the whole length of the piece. This way, extra metal (and weight) is removed.

Speaking of weight, the standard C6 is expected to weight anywhere from 300-500lbs lighter than the current C5, and that goes for the new Z06 variant. Less weight is almost better than more horsepower, as you’re not losing any fuel efficiency with better performance. Chassis length has been increased mainly to accommodate the 5th gear in the new 5-speed automatic transmission. A new generation 42volt electrical system allows for smaller wiring harnesses, reduced weight, and more power hungry devices such as magnetic shocks, and other advanced technologies.

Now comes for the engines. This is the only part that the automotive magazines have totally gone wrong on. Here are two things that the C6 will not have for an engine: One with displacement on demand, and one with two cams in the block. Rumors about these two features have been plastered along side every C6 story we’ve read, but they are simply not true. But truth can be stranger than fiction as you will soon read. The base engine, dubbed LS2, will be based off the current LS6. It will retain its 400+hp status and OHV layout. Expect improved fuel economy, and performance (mostly due to the reduced weight). The strange part comes strait out of aviation history books. The high performance version of the C6 (possibly still named Z06) will be powered by a new generation of cam-less engine. That’s right, electronically actuated valves. Not only will this give the HP version of the C6 infinite valve timing, but close-to, if not north-of 500hp. Cam-less engines have been used for years in circular piston aircraft engines where placement of a cam is impossible. Since publication-we’ve gotten wind that this cam-less engine may not be available at the start of production-despite the fact that Dave Hill has promised all 3 versions at the start. Snake tamer is one word we look forward to using with the C6. This little bit of engine information has already gotten close to 14 people fired from GM, and is one of the C6’s most closely guarded secrets.


Interior enrichment is on the top of the list for C6, with the Audi TT set as the basis to improve on. Expect little bits of aluminum, as well as more expensive looking pieces to be used. Rumor has the radio and HVAC controls being controlled by LCD screen, although we’re not sure if these reports are accurate. Another cool bit we’ve heard is being toyed around with, is the possibility for a completely digital instrument cluster, with the option of switching between digital and analog gauges. We think that’s being hopeful though, so don’t get disappointed if analog gauges are what finally gets the stamp.


Believe it or not, there are “C6’s” out testing right now. Although, any that leave the testing grounds are either in C5 or covered XLR drab. C6 alphas are rumored to be just getting the new bodies inside the proving grounds in Arizona and Michigan. We’ve also had confirmation that testing has been done at one private track in the southeast United States during late winter. Reports state that the C6 mule out lapped a Z06 by a large margin. Also, we expect, but have no confirmation that C6 mules are to be tested in northern Canada and Australia starting this fall. And if your feeing brave, and want to try to take a look for yourself, C6’s have been reportedly spotted running down the large back strait-away at GM’s Milford proving grounds just before dawn in the recent weeks.
11.08.2002 at 03:00 Last edited 11.08.2002 at 03:05 by peep (Moderator)
C6 info
Järgmise sammuna jäetakse ära väntvõll, kepsud, kolvid. Põlemiskambri alla pannakse tensogeneraatorid, mis küttesegu plahvatusel genereerivad elektrienergiat. Käigukasti pole vaja, sest sagedusmuundid teevad oma töö. Klassikalisi pidureid autol ei ole. Igas rattas on elektrimootor, mis toimib kiirendamisel tavalise el. mootorina ja pidurdamisel generaatorina. Ülejääv energia pannakse mingisse akupurki.

:) Hommikul on pea värskeid mõtteid täis. Tegelt see 42 volti ei pruugi eluõigust saada, kuna niiskuslekete korral hakkab auto kasutajale äärmiselt ebameeldiv olema.
11.08.2002 at 08:46
generaator M
C6 info
jah - kogu sisepõdemismootori jätaks ära kui saaks - maailma üks ebatäiuslikumaid jõumasinaid ju: kasutegur 4taktilisel mootoril üldiselt parimal juhul aint 30% ( igasugu ülelaadimise ja muude imedega saab ehk rohkem kätte ).

Aga paraku on sadakond aastat just selle asja arendamist selleni viinud, et arvestatavat alternatiivi ikka veel pole...

ja see 42V asi on tõepoolest kõhklemapanev - aga juba praegu on suuremal osal autodest pea 100amprised generaatorid peal.......
28.09.2002 at 19:17
C6 info
42V on jumala õnnistus ;)
1. on just nimelt ampreid üle 3x vähem
2. saab normaalseid audisüsteeme teha - 12V peal ilma hüpervõime ostmata üle 7W eriti välja ei aja.

Pealegi ei mõju inimesele halvasti mitte volt, vaid amper. Ja amper väheneb.

Mis C6-te puutub, siis tavaversioon, pidi rajal ületama praegust Z06te.

edit: typos
28.09.2002 at 20:25 Last edited 29.09.2002 at 01:40 by ats
C6 info
Kusjuures, kas see uus 700-ne bemari mitte 48V elektrisüsteemi peal ei ole (vähemalt osaliselt)? Kui nii, siis on see uus kõrgem pinge järjekordne standardiseerimata asi, mida vähemalt esialgu teeb iga tootja omamoodi. See aga omakorda tähendab seda, et kolatootjad (autoaudio ntx) ei viitsi uusi süsteeme arendada, kuni midagi kindlat kokku lepitud pole.
28.09.2002 at 22:13
C6 info
Kui bmw-l mingi mitte 12V, siis ikka 42V. See on juba de jure standard, küll see de factoks ka saab.
See 12V on tegelikult ca 14V ehk 42V on 3x suurem
29.09.2002 at 01:39
C6 info
ats: Pealegi ei mõju inimesele halvasti mitte volt, vaid amper. Ja amper väheneb.

Inimesele ei ole ohtlik mitte tema ümber autos kulgev amper, vaid temast endast läbi kulgev amper. Kuna inimese takistus uue süsteemi puhul ei vähene, siis suurema pingega vooluallikaga kokkupuutumisel inimest läbiv vool ikka suureneb, mitte ei vähene.
Muus osas täiesti nõus, 12V on ammu paljudele asjadele piduriks... isegi läppari akut ei saa pinget tõstmata laadida:(
30.09.2002 at 08:45
C6 info
naca vooludest ja pingetest.
inimest tapavad tõepoolest amprid, õigemini milliamprid. Rikkevoolukaitsme rakendus toimib 30 mA pealt ja ka seda kauemat aega saades oleks ilmselt :>

Kui me räägime, et voolud on pärast pinge tõstmist väiksemad, siis see puudutab sama võimsuse e. takistusega seadmeid, kui neid käitatakse kõrgema pingega.
Mis puudutab inimest, siis 12 V on nii madal pinge, et see ei suuda läbi inimese naha vooluringi tekitada. Inimese naha takistuseks loetakse väga jämedalt 1000 oomi, seppadel ja muudel keevitajatel ning puuseppadel ilmselgelt suurem ja seda näpuotste arvelt. Kui tõsta pinget 48 V-ni, hakkab tekkima oht, et pingelang läbi nahatakistuse ei ole piisavalt suur ja vereni (mille takistus on väga väike) jõuab teatud pingekomponent, ehk teisisõnu inimesest hakkab läbi voolama mingi suurusega vool. Naisterahval või väikestel lastel, niiske nahaga võib see endast juba ohtu kujutada. Kui veel pinget tõsta, toimub mingil hetkel nahast läbilöök ja miniatuurne elektrikaar, mille takistus teatavasti on sisuliselt 0, seega on naha kaitsev toime ellimineeritud ja kogu vool tekib vaid veretakistuse arvelt. kuna me teame oomi seadusest, et mida väiksem on takistus, seda suurem on vool, jääb üle vaid loota, et see pingeall oleku hetk on väga lühiajaline, muidu...
Inimkeha läbiva voolu puhul on ka oluline, kustkaudu see voolab, kui vooluring jätab puutumata südame, võib inimene lühiajaliselt taluda ka mitmeid ampreid, tõsi näppudest suurt järgi ei jää. Käsitletakse kolme juhtu: käest kätte, käest jalga ja lokaalsed e. kahe sõrme vahelised vooluteekonnad. Südant läbivad vooluringid on ohtlikud ja tekkida võib nn. südame defibrilatsioon.

sry, tuli jube OT
30.09.2002 at 09:22 Last edited 19.05.2003 at 09:36 by foke
C6 info
Mis puudutab inimest, siis 12 V on nii madal pinge, et see ei suuda läbi inimese naha vooluringi tekitada.

Tundlik märg inimene "lekib" juba üsna edukalt kuskil 15V juures. Selline elekter ei tapa, aga surnuks võib küll ehmatada. Mul üks tuttav vanamees proovis paadimootori sädet nii, et torkas sõrme piipu, toetas käe hoorattale ja teise käega tõmbas starterit. Lihtsalt mõnele elekter ei mõju.
30.09.2002 at 21:55
C6 info
Mustang GT 94: ]
Mul üks tuttav vanamees proovis paadimootori sädet nii, et torkas sõrme piipu, toetas käe hoorattale ja teise käega tõmbas starterit. Lihtsalt mõnele elekter ei mõju.

hehh, ma olen samal põhimõttel korduvalt kardil sädeme olemasolu testinud..

asi läheb ikka täiesti OT-ks ära... :uhoh
01.10.2002 at 09:45 Last edited 01.10.2002 at 09:46 by LaSa (Moderator)
C6 info
Viimane info.
23.04.2003 at 16:23
C6 info
Nii, et ei tule ikka seda uut klappideta mootorit...
Aga unifitseerimise teed lähevad - raam kasutusel nii C6, kui ka XLR peal...

23.04.2003 at 18:06
C6 info
veel miskit infot
23.04.2003 at 18:43
C6 info
Sõitvad protod on pildile saadud.
30.04.2003 at 21:29
C6 info
Ilus on. :hail

Kahju ainult, et nad klapptuledest loobunud on, see kuulus kuidagi Corvette olemuse juurde. Aga see tundub üldine poliitika olevat, Honda NSX jäi ka näiteks viimase faceliftiga neist ilma.
30.04.2003 at 23:03
C6 info
imo liiga lakutud & igav paistab, näeb välja nagu mingi suvaline jaapani sportjuust :(

mingit eriti radikaalset vahel küll ei paista võrreldes C5-ga. Vbolla ka lihtsalt si*ad pildid.
30.04.2003 at 23:53
C6 info
Uus ja põnev info, novembrikuu Corvette Magazine kirjutab, et uus Vette tuleb siiski alumiiniumist hüdrostantsimise teel valmistatud raamiga, erinevalt XLR'st millel on terasraam. See ja teised kaaluvähendusmeetmed tähendavad, et C6 kaalub 136 kg. vähem kui C5, mis hardtop'i puhul tähendab 1300 kg. tühimassi. Uus LS6 põhine mootor on saanud nimeks LS2 ja arendab üle 400 hj. Ehk massi/hj suhe on 3,25 - ülikõva ! Võrdluseks, momendi üks parimaid sportautosid Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale on 1280 kg./425 hj. ja Tavaline 360 1390 kg./400 hj.

Siiski paljud kahtlevad, kas selline kaalusääst on võimalik ehk ootaks ametlikku kinnitust.

Artikkel ise on siin:
27.08.2003 at 21:08
C6 info
Mootoritest veel. Suht. usaldusväärsetel aga momendil ebaametlikel andmetel tuleb tootmisse kaks mootorit:

The LS1 changes to LS2 with 6.0 liters or 366 cu and 400 hp.
The LS6 changes to LS7 with 6.4 liters or 390 cu and 500 hp.

500 hj. ja 1300 kg, seda kassid ostaksid...:)
27.08.2003 at 21:24
C6 info
VPRKLR nagu nad seal räägivad :)

Save The Wave (vette 91 )
31.08.2003 at 09:28
C6 info
19.11.2003 at 12:11
C6 info

Coke-bottle on tagasi.
19.11.2003 at 16:08
C6 info
19.11.2003 at 16:21
C6 info
Veel kuulujutte:

Ex-GM inimene, kes osales C4 ja C5 väljatöötamisel ja kes nüüd SLP's töötab:

Details are emerging about the all-new, 2005 C6 (sixth generation) Corvette that will be introduced at the 2004 North American International Auto Show in Detroit in January. Though the new chassis is now shared with another car (the Cadillac XLR luxury sports car) for the first time in Corvette history - the two cars have distinctly different missions and differ substantially from each other. The new Corvette is five inches shorter than the C5 in overall length but retains the same interior room. The overall road presence of the new C6 exterior design and stance is improved dramatically – certainly enough to make C5 owners drool over it and feel compelled to get one. But the new car should turn heads of non-Corvette-owning enthusiasts, too, because of its improved quality, upscale interior materials and outstanding performance capability. The standard 6.0-liter V-8 will now deliver 400HP and around 400 lb-ft of torque, just under the 405HP figure of the current ultra-performance Z06 C5. The front tires will be 245/40ZR 18s, mounted on 8.5" wheels. The rears will be 285/35ZR 19s, mounted on 10.0" wheels. The Z51 Option for '05 will include bigger brakes with cross-drilled rotors, specifically tweaked tires, gear ratios, springs, shocks and sway bars, plus an engine oil cooler and a power-steering cooler for serious off-road performance work. Other details: the HUD on the new car will have a built-in G-meter, a power top will finally be available (long overdue) on the convertible, and a six CD in-dash changer will be an option, as will an onboard navigation system. There's no official confirmation (yet), but there's also a "super" C6 rumored to be on the way with 600+HP (with assistance from McLaren engines). This super C6 will take Corvette's classic performance-value-for-the-dollar equation to new heights and could potentially embarrass all of the other high-priced supercars from around the globe in the process. The "super" C6 will cost more than the standard car by a bunch, but it may still come in at "around" $100,000, undercutting even the Ford GT in cost. And its performance is said to be simply mind-boggling, making even hardcore enthusiasts weak in the knees. The "super" C6 will not appear before mid-2006 at the earliest, but it may be considered enough of a milestone car in the pantheon of great Corvettes to wear the storied "ZL1" designation

Ehk momendi info on:

Base Corvette. 400 hp.
"Z06"-type car. 500 hp.
"ZL1"-type car. 600 hp.
19.11.2003 at 19:32
C6 info

Meenutab veidi tõesti Stingrayd. :)
Tegelikult isegi esiots justkui vähendatud Viper´il!
19.11.2003 at 20:04
C6 info
Eesti maaletoojatelt loodame siis normaalset hinnapoliitikat, et ei korduks C5 müüginumbrid, et mitte öelda ümmargune number :)

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19.11.2003 at 21:23 foorum : Autod : C6 info   1 2 3 4  
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