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ukraina foorum : Hooldus ja remont : fire mootorivahetus  
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fire mootorivahetus
Pisut teemaga haakuvalt...
Aeg on siis kyps enda Firebirdil mootor vahetusse panna.Yks krdi mootori ja kerevaheline nääklemine käib - mootor ei taha kere vedada, kere pole nöus sellise mootoriga söitma. Sestap siis kysimus, kas siin jutuks olnud tähelepanekud on kehtivad ka näiteks 2.5l swap to 5.0(5.7)l puhul? Et kust otsast alustada, kas kannatab swapijärgselt olemasoleva kasti ja tagasillaga monda aega ringi liikuda.Mis kast ja sild? Kast miski 4 käiguline overdrive, tagasild, tont seda teab... Ehk Martin 460 oskab öelda?

Ford Mustang ´96
Põrnikas `69
Dodge Avenger ´08
GAZ 24 ´84
11.09.2003 at 19:08
fire mootorivahetus
See rivinelja k-kast vist oma tugevuselt ja ehituselt V-8 le ei sobi.Samas tagasild võiks isegi võib-olla jääda sest kas mitte väikeste mootoritega ei olnud tihedama ülekandega e.kiirendusesõbralikum sild?

Plymouth Roadrunner 440 SixPack FB-s grupp: Kroomimine
Chrysler 300C 2007
12.09.2003 at 15:18
fire mootorivahetus
tohoh: Pisut teemaga haakuvalt...

1. Pole mõtet teise inimese threadi solkida, Fire ja Mustangi mootorivahetused ei haaku kuskilt otsast. Kui Sul on küsimus siis tee selle jaoks eraldi teema !

2. Search siinsamas foorumis andis tulemuseks:

Q: Does it pay to swap my 4 or 6 cylinder engine for an 8 cylinder?

A: First of all, you have to decide if you are going to keep the computer system. It's a bigger hassle if you do. Your best bet is to go to a junkyard or find someone who is parting out a V8 Camaro/Firebird, and pull as many parts as possible off the same car. You will need brackets (i.e. alternator, AC, smog pump, and power steering pump - save the bolts too), AC hoses, and Pulleys. You will also need new rubber motor mounts (about $20 at local parts store) and the engine side brackets that these mounts bolt to. Make sure you get the engine side motor mount brackets from a Camaro or Firebird as they are a little shallower and are needed to get the engine to sit low enough in the bay. The holes for the motor mounts are already in your crossmember. You will also need to get the engine fan and fan shroud (junkyard or new - your choice). You will need to buy a starter, water pump, and probably a power steering pump (get thses from a junkyard as they're almost always still good). You'll need a V8 HEI distributor. An ACCEL rebuilt HEI works great and costs less than $150.00. And of course plugs and wires. Assuming an automatic tranny, you will need a new tranny since the bellhousing bolt pattern is different on the V8 car from the 4 and 6 cylinders. A Turbo 350 will bolt right in with B&M's $75.00 conversion kit. It just lets you hook up the torque arm, but you'll lose overdrive. Take a polaroid camera to the junkyard, and you should be able to figure all this stuff out. Finally, you will probably have to change the front coil springs. I know this sounds like a ton of work (especially since it doesn't even include what you have to buy to assemble the engine), but this swap is really a piece of cake - everything drops in like it was supposed to be there. At the very least, assemble all the components you'll need (build the motor on an engine stand over a few months with all accessories and brackets), and have someone drop it in for you. A shop would charge you an arm and a leg if they had to scrounge all this stuff up themselves. For further info, send an e-mail to Chris (

12.09.2003 at 15:35 Last edited 12.09.2003 at 15:39 by peep (Moderator) foorum : Hooldus ja remont : fire mootorivahetus  
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