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chrismas foorum : In English : Restorers?  
Poster Message
First I have to say you have a great site here, and it looks like you have many active amcarlovers. Great!
I am from Norway and I look for some restorers that are interesting to take some jobs. We are looking for some to take the cars to 1000 pcs., remove some rust, paint all part and body and put it together. Is it anyone that are really serious and do very nice jobs "over there". We are only talk Mustangs `65-`69 here. We are doing this like a hobby ourself in Norway, but sometimes we have more projects then time. Somebody that can send me a mail and tell me how much it is for a god painting-job etc. etc. in Estonia if I have a midium god project?
I also send a link to our cobra-site. Thanks.

[Edited by cobraman on 28.01.2002 at 18:42 GMT]

[Edited by cobraman on 28.01.2002 at 18:42 GMT]
28.01.2002 at 20:41
28.01.2002 at 23:33
Hi !

Yes we have shops which are specialised in restoration for foreign car enthusiasts, but I don't know their exact co-ordinates and also can't comment on quality. I hope somebody here can help you out. I will translate for them:

Nii, et kes teab kuskohas oleks meil võimalik lasta taastada vanu usakaid heal tasemel (plekk, värv) võiks siia infi panna.

The price of good paint job including the materials should run around $ 1500 - 2000 I guess.
29.01.2002 at 08:36
Hallo Cobraman. If I come back to Estonia then I can call to my old friend who do very good work on painting. He is learned that in England and also in Estonia. I think this is a guy for this job. Send me an E-mail.
( )
14.02.2002 at 08:49 foorum : In English : Restorers?  
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